
  • The bizarre story takes place in Amsterdam-West, where a virus turns people into bloodthirsty zombies. Alt…
  • 根据真实生物拍摄而成。叙述这种俗称“骆驼蜘蛛”的巨蛛,多年来折磨驻扎在中东的美军。如今他们大举入侵美国西南…
  • 安娜在床上醒来,脑袋因为前一夜的狂欢有些昏沉疼痛。她打开手机,发现新增一款名为“伊丽丝”(IRIS) 的神秘互动…
  • 忌日快乐2

  • 哈特,一个美丽、活泼、勤奋但非常不幸的女人,终于遇到了她的幸运符扫罗。他是一个没有感情、一切照旧的人,他聘…
  • After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly de…
  • 量子启示录

  • “神探坤潘”是泰国历史上的著名传奇英雄,据说格斗、枪械无一不精。在泰国民间广泛流传有大量关于坤潘的夸张传说…
  • 少女芝芝自幼缺少母爱,跟爸爸和同父异母的妹妹瑶瑶生活在一起,爸爸不了解她,对她很粗暴,屡次伤害她的自尊心,…
  • 五音不全

    A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complica…
  • 艳压群芳奇美丽

    Are there limits to your love for your family? One family's acceptance is tested when a champion diver, de…
  • 1.Life and Death:Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kid…
  • A young man with a bright future suffers a near fatal accident and recreates his new life with the help of…
  • A global scientific summit debates and fails on a plan to stop a massive asteroid heading straight for Ear…
  • A sexy widow discovers her late husband had a secret apartment where he cheated on her. Now she decides to…
  • 故事讲的是,某一天航天局发现一个类似于黑洞的天体出现在地球的附近,吞噬着周围太空的一切,地球很快就会毁灭。…
  • 絕世閨密,不一定是情同姊妹的女性朋友,男與女之間的昇華感情,或許較情比金堅更為穩固。疫情反覆,阻隔了相聚機…
  • The bizarre story takes place in Amsterdam-West, where a virus turns people into bloodthirsty zombies. Alt…
  • 影片改编自意大利作家、散文家、记者和翻译卢恰诺·比安恰尔迪(Luciano Bianciardi;1922年12月14日~197…
  • When Chelsea meets up with her estranged childhood best friend, Milla, she's unprepared for the events tha…
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